Making a World of Difference in Title
31000 Northwestern Highway, Suite 130
Farmington Hills, MI 48334
FSBO - For Sale By Owner
It is always recommended that you seek the advice of a licensed real estate agent or attorney; however, should you chose to purchase or sell your property without an agent we are here to help ensure that it is still a smooth transaction. Our goal is to help make sure that you fully understand this process.
Contact the municipality in which the property is located to check what requirements they may have, i.e. a city inspection or Certificate of Occupancy may be required. If they require a C of O please be sure to bring a copy to the closing or upload to the portal.
Seller and Purchaser need to complete a sales contract. (If you need a copy of a sales contract click HERE.) This should then be uploaded to our portal with the request for your new order. If you have never accessed our portal before please make sure that you click the link to request access.
An Earnest Money Deposit can be held by either the seller, in which case we will also need a copy of the check in order to properly disclose and credit that at closing or you can request that we hold the deposit.
If your deal is a Land Contract, please be sure to complete an addendum listing the terms of the land contract.
A seller's disclosure statement should also be completed along with the disclosure for lead based paint as applicable. Click HERE for seller's disclosure. Click HERE for lead based paint disclosure.
If your home is a condominium, a site condo or has a homeowner's association, please be sure to contact the Homeowner's Association to obtain a "Status Letter" prior to closing.
If you have a current home loan you are paying on, please be sure to contact your lender to obtain a "Payoff Letter" prior to closing.
If your property is a rental or is leased, please be sure to provide copies of the rental/lease agreement.
Upon completion of the commitment, we will upload it back to the portal/send back to you.
Once the commitment is completed we can schedule your closing.
Please always feel free to contact us throughout the process if you have any questions.
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